Tuesday 17 September 2019

String Theory------Part1( The Need For a New Theory)

Let's start our journey through the magical world of String Theory..............


Our understanding of the physical universe has deepened profoundly during the past century(still we are destroying our environment!!). The theoretical tool of quantum mechanics and general relativity allows us to understand and make testable predictions about physical happening from the atomic and subatomic realms all the way through phenomena occurring on the scales of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, neutron stars and beyond to the structure of the whole universe itself.

  • It is truly inspiring that beings confined to one planet orbiting a run-of-the-mill star in the far edges of a fairly ordinary galaxy have been able, through thought and experiment, to ascertain and comprehend some of the most mysterious characteristics of the physical universe.
  • Now here's the all problem started :-- Physicist by their nature wil not be standing until they feel that the deepest and most fundamental understandingof the universe has been unveiled.
This is what Stephen Hawking has alluded to as a first step toward knowing "the mind of God".

Now the story of conflict between General Relativity and Quantum mechanics begins ..............

  • There is ample evidence that quantum mechanics and general relativity do not provide thie deepest level of understanding. Since their usual domains of applicability are so different, most situations require the use of quantum mechanics or general relativity, but not both!. Under certain extreme conditions, however, where things are very massive and very small--- near the central point of Black Holes or the whole universe at the moment of Big Bang, to name two examples--- we require both general relativity and quantum mechanics for proper understanding.

  • BUT like the mixing of fire and gunpowder, when we try to combine quantum mechanics and general relativity, their union brings violent catastrophe. Well-formulated physical problems elicit nonsensical answers when the equations of boththese theories are commingled. The nonsense often takes the form of a prediction that the quantum-mechanical probability for some process is not 20 percent or 80 percent but infinity!.
From above points we can observe that we need a unified theory that can explain black holes, bigbang and every other thing in this univers in an elegant manner.
This marks the entry of string theory(a heroic entry) in the world of quantum mechanics and general relativity..... 

1 comment:

  1. This is the beauty of science...... String will help us to push the limits.... Kudos✌✌✌
